Guidance for working safely at International House during COVID-19

New guidelines for the use of International House will commence on 1st June 2020. Please check this page regularly. We will post updates as the building usage increases and where there is change in advice from Central Government

Page last updated: 5th October 2021

1. Introduction

This page outlines the measures 3Space are taking to keep you safe along with new rules for how the building should be used. Please see the latest government advice on whether or not it is appropriate for you to return to work, this is a decision that rests with you and we cannot guarantee your complete safety from COVID-19 should you choose to return to work at International House. Please make sure that this page is shared with all members of your team before returning to International House.

The new measures will come into effect on June 1st 2020 which is the date we believe based on consultation that more tenants will begin to use the building again. These guidelines will be updated both as there is an increased capacity of use or change in the advice from Central Government. 

2. Access

Reception will be open between 9:00 and 17:00. If you wish to enter the building outside of these hours you must use the 24/7 swipe access on the front door.

The card access reader at the back door has been reopened and cyclists can park their bikes and then enter through the loading bay door.

In the event of an emergency or the fire alarm going off the above guidelines are to be discarded and you are to take the quickest fire route out of the building and social distancing rules would be temporarily suspended.

3. Lifts and Stairwells

All tenants are encouraged to take the stairs where possible, especially tenants on floors 4 and below.

Lifts are only to be used by 2 people at a time or 1 wheelchair user in accordance with government advice. The floor of the lifts will be divided by tape and contain signage. Lifts and stairwells, particularly the lift buttons and the bannisters will be regularly cleaned.

There will be hand sanitiser available in the lift lobbies.


5. Visitors

Envoy sign-in system is back in operation, all visitors are required to sign in on the iPad which will alert you that they are downstairs. Please collect visitors promptly. Contact reception ( to make sure your contact details are up to date on the system.

If you are having visitors in the building please follow Covid Guidelines and share this webpage with them before their visit:

  • Regularly wash hands or use the hand sanitiser provided

  • Maintain a record of visitors to the building (Track & Trace QR codes are on every floor door)

  • If you can wear masks in the lobbies/stairwell and lifts unless exempt 

6. Rooftop Meeting Space

The 11th floor rooftop will be open for a limited time during the day and weather permitting. It can be used for outdoor meetings and for a little work break.

To take advantage of the good weather contact 3Space via if you would like to use this space.


6. Deliveries & 3Space Staff

Please do not arrange any deliveries to the building unless you will be here to collect them.

A member of the team will be in the ground floor 3Space office 09:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday should you need us. If there are any maintenance issues please email


7. Cleaning

Cleaning will be increased across the building, with daytime cleaning targeting touch points such as door handles, lift buttons, card swipes, toilets and kitchens. 

8. Toilets and Showers

As above the cleaning of toilets will be increased. All toilets and both showers are now operational.

9. Ventilation

The ventilation system for the building will be running constantly during core hours. We are also fortunate to benefit from natural ventilation and would encourage you to open the windows to increase ventilation but ask you to close them when you leave. A window key should be readily available on all floors but please speak to a member of the 3Space team if you have any issues.

10. NHS test and trace guidance

In accordance with the government guidance NHS Test and Trace and Contact Tracing if anyone who has used International House who has symptoms and orders a test for COVID-19 then they will be encouraged to notify us at 3Space. We will then share information regarding their use of the building via the newsletter email.  In accordance with government advice this does not mean others in the building need to self-isolate, they:

  • must avoid individuals who are at high-risk of contracting COVID-19, for example, because they have pre-existing medical conditions, such as respiratory issues

  • must take extra care in practising social distancing and good hygiene and in watching out for symptoms

  • will be better prepared if the person who has symptoms has a positive test result and if they (the contact) receive a notification from the NHS test and trace service explaining they need to self-isolate

If the person who has symptoms has a positive test result for COVID-19, the NHS test and trace service will ask them to share information about their close recent contacts. Any non-household contacts who need to self-isolate will then be contacted directly by the NHS test and trace service. They will receive a formal notification (either a phone call, letter, email or text message) setting out how long they need to self-isolate for.

11. Floor Breakdowns

Where organisations have dedicated private space we would ask that they manage it inline with the government guidelines. We will be marking all lift lobbies and doors with 2m social distancing markings for everyone to adhere to when entering and exiting floors.

Ground Floor -  Event space is now back in action, please email if you wish to use it. Due to this the back stairwell is now for emergency exit only. The project space continues to only be available to 3Space staff. The iPad is back in use for visitor sign-in, please contact us if you have any questions.

1st Floor - To be managed by BLP 

2nd Floor - To be managed by Photofusion 

3rd Floor - Additional cleaning kitchen products will be made available so people can clean up after themselves as they see fit. The meeting rooms are open for video calls and essential in-person meetings, please make sure to book via the calendar. Disinfectant spray will also be left in the meeting rooms. Companies to enforce their own policies within their own designated areas.

4th Floor - To be managed by Resi

5th Floor - To be managed by Resi and KYND within their respective demises.

6th Floor - Please keep us updated of any changes in your work plans ahead of time to help us manage usage on the floor.

Hot desk spaces have now reopened, and the breakout space is also available for use as desk space to help aid social distancing. The meeting rooms are open for video calls and essential in-person meetings. Please make sure to book out the rooms via the calendar system. Do not block book a room to use as an office, these are shared spaces for the whole floor. Disinfectant spray will be left in meeting rooms and the kitchen. 

7th Floor - 3Space to manage all communal areas and fixed desks with office tenants responsible for the use of their own dedicated private spaces. Due to predicted usage it is not currently necessary to reconfigure the fixed desks. Please keep in contact with us regarding your expected work patterns.

The meeting rooms are open for video calls and essential in-person meetings, please make sure to book via the calendars. Disinfectant spray will be left in meeting rooms and the kitchen. 

8th Floor - To be managed by Assemble 

9th Floor - To be managed by Amazing Productions.

If you are unsure of any of these guidelines please contact us prior to use via stating clearly where the issue lies.


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